Graduation Ceremony
Date: 06/03/2025
Graduation Ceremony:
Location: Indian Springs High School Performing Arts Center 650 N. Del Rosa Drive, San Bernardino, Ca 92410
Graduate Information
Check-In Time: TBD
Dress Code: All graduates must follow the SBCUSD dress code. Graduates need to come dressed in their cap and gown. No decorating or modifying your cap and gown is permitted.
Additional Information: Graduates will be searched upon checking in. No cell phones, cameras, bags, or purses of any kind are permitted. Please leave all personal items with your guests, especially your tickets. Graduates are not permitted to leave the holding area after they have checked in.
Family & Guest Information
Tickets: Each person is required to have a ticket for entry. Children 3 and under are FREE if they sit on an adult's lap.
Additional Information: Balloons, signs, noise makers, food, and beverages are not permitted. All gifts such as leis and stoles should be given to the student after the graduation ceremony.