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Arts, Media & Entertainment Pathway


Created by a VA Adobe Career Pathway Student



Created by a VA Adobe Career Pathway Student



Created by a VA Adobe Career Pathway Student


Adobe Design Career Pathway

The Adobe Design Career Pathway at the Virtual Academy prepares students to edit photos, graphics, and videos using the Adobe Apps: Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro.

What you'll learn:

  • Master the Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro
  • Year 1: Design eye-catching graphics, logos, and edit photos like a pro
  • Year 2: Create, edit, and add special effects to videos, perfect for social media

Why choose the Adobe Design Career Pathway?

  • Get certified: Become an Adobe Certified Professional in Photoshop and Premiere Pro - right here at our testing center, at no cost to you!
  • Credits: Students who complete two years of Adobe prep classes earn 20 credits for graduation that count for 3 things at the same time!

    ➔ Elective credits: you need 40 total to graduate

    ➔ Career Development credits: you need 20 to graduate

    ➔ A-G fine arts F credits: you need 10 to graduate and is required for a 4-year college

CTE Pathway: This program is part of our Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways, designed to give you hands-on experience and prepare you for success in college and career.

Want to learn more?

  • Talk to your counselor today or reach out to the program lead.

Why Should You Consider our CTE Pathway?

  • 93% of students who complete a CTE program graduate high school, compared to 80% of non-concentrators (Association for Career and Technical Education, 2023).
  • CTE students are 17% more likely to enroll in college than non-CTE students (National Center for Education Statistics, 2022).
  • CTE participants earn an average of 11% more than non-CTE graduates one year after graduation (Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, 2021).
  • 83% of employers agree that CTE programs help close the skills gap (Association for Career and Technical Education, 2022).

FAQS for the Arts, Media & Entertainment Pathway